
Entry... Entry of new aspect of life.

 3 day before my daughter come out of her mothers womb... Actually I want to say that I become father of a baby girl ..... Yes birt of my dreams... Birth of my charm..... Birt of my great happyness.... Birth of great responsibility....  Birth of my first child... Birth of my daughter..... Nothing I can say more I am happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......

Surprisingly happy

 Many times I feel that always results comes opposit to my thoughts and it happens always... When I think tean A will Winn that time A looses an when I think B will Winn B looses.... Always...  My gut feeling is like gutter... Huuh.    But the positive thing is that my blood group is AB+........ha haha sorry the positive thing is more better then this....  When ever I think for future for a incident to be heppen...  In later future... It happens as I was thinking  in past.... I take it as a fortune of my life. 


 Down....... Moral down!  When ever you think, you feel that you are not doing well or whatever you are doing is not getting sufficient success.... Chill your self think how to do it better.  Think again do again... Again and again... Success will surprise you 

Let's begin

 OK.....I am writing.. no ..I am typing my first blog and still don't know what will I type are reading.... OK... Then I have to type... Writing is better then typing...hmm... I have to write something interesting ... Still I have no idea what should I type... My friends said that I am a good motivational speaker... I think I can do it here too.  When I see people running behind money, I see myself  running with them.. What they are doing leave them what I am doing... What will I do with that  lot of money.... Will that return my present... I and all are just exhausting present for Un certain future.. The money for which I am running can't give certainty to future.... But still I am running all are running... And all will run to get that thing which is also running... Yes money is running.... The money in your pocket is trying to reach new pocket... And you are trying to get money of others pocket.... People should have money but not pocket... Because when you s